Institutionalising children journalism education in Nigerian communication/media studies

  • Olusola Oyero


The media have a responsibility to voice the rights of children but need to be better equipped to doso. Repositioning the media is best initiated within an educational framework as education bringsabout progress in practical fields and invariably leads to improvements in society as seen in studiesin development communication, health communication, science communication, environmentalcommunication, etc. (Craig, 2000). Children journalism education will undoubtedly go a long wayin improving children’s media practice. This paper calls for a journalism education programme inNigeria to remediate the shortcomings observed in the African child’s media world and to promotethe rights of children and the realisation of their dreams.

Author Biography

Olusola Oyero
Olusola Oyero lectures in the Department of Mass Communication at the College ofDevelopment Studies at Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria.Contact details: +234-39250556
Academic Papers